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Pregnane X receptor PXR is a nuclear receptor that plays
Pregnane X receptor (PXR) is a nuclear receptor that plays an important role in regulation of metabolism and disposition of structurally diverse xenobiotics as well as endogenous steroids and bile acids (Bertilsson et al., 1998, Kliewer et al., 1998, Lehmann et al., 1998). PXR regulates the metaboli
br Conclusion br Conflict of interest br Acknowledgments
Conclusion Conflict of interest Acknowledgments We thank Nancy Kerkvliet for helpful advice. The research in the lab of CE and THS is supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (grants ES103/7-1 and 9-1, HA7346/2-1). We apologize to all authors whose work could not be cited due to lim
br Discussion Here we show
Discussion Here, we show opposing effects of iontophoretically administered phenylephrine,aselective α1-AR agonist, on firing of putatively DAergic and non-DAergic neurons recorded in vivo in the VTA of urethane anaesthetized rats. Phenylephrine application caused a relatively weak decrease in fi
br Hypoadiponectinemia in metabolic syndrome
Hypoadiponectinemia in metabolic syndrome APN belongs structurally to the complement 1q family and is found at high concentrations (>0.01% of total protein) in the serum of healthy individuals [6]. Given the abundance of APN in plasma, it is assumed that alterations in plasma levels of APN might
To assess relative metabolic activity and proliferation
To assess relative metabolic activity and proliferation of beta lactamase inhibitor attached to various substrates we used the MTT assay [29], [30]. In order to compare the metabolic activity of cells under the various conditions irrespective of the number or viability of the cells, we performed a
Our analysis demonstrated that ADA is a transpicuous
Our analysis demonstrated that ADA is a transpicuous and rapid test with high sensitivity and specificity for diagnosis of TBM decidedly. The summary sensitivity and specificity were 0.89 and 0.91 respectively, indicating a sufficient level for overall diagnostic accuracy. The modality of SROC curve
Introduction The cytoskeleton allows cells
Introduction The cytoskeleton allows cells to establish, maintain and transform their shape. In neurons, these include cell differentiation, migration, polarization and development of their unique arborization. Axons are very thin (~1 μm), long (up to 1m) and highly branched (>95% of the plasma mem
The LO has so far only
The 15-LO-1 has so far only been found in humans and rabbit reticulocytes [3], [20] and the rabbit 15-LO-1 protein demonstrate 81% identity to the human 15-LO-1. However, rabbit monocytes express an enzyme with mainly 12-LO activity [20], [21]. The high degree of sequence conservation between these
These anatomical studies were followed by the first function
These anatomical studies were followed by the first functional MRI studies of auditory processing in songbirds that were performed in starlings (Van Meir et al., 2005; De Groof et al., 2017; De Groof et al., 2013b) and in zebra finches (Boumans et al., 2008a; Boumans et al., 2007; Boumans et al., 20
br Apelin Discovered in apelin was initially identified as t
Apelin Discovered in 1998, apelin was initially identified as the sole endogenous ligand for the APJ receptor (Tatemoto et al., 1998). Apelin-77 (pre-pro-apelin) is the precursor for various pharmacologically active apelin isoforms (e.g. apelin-12, -13, -17 and 36), and it shares 75–95% sequence
AP was originally described as a heterodimer
AP-1 was originally described as a heterodimer of the bZIP proteins c-Jun and c-Fos. The experiments described here showed that stimulation of TRPV1 channels induced the expression of both of these classical constituents of AP-1. The essential role of both proteins was analyzed in a series of exper
Plant defensins are cysteine rich
Plant defensins are cysteine-rich cationic peptides of 5–8 kDa whose mature domain comprises 45 to 54 amino caspofungin residues, with an isoelectric point around 9. The global fold of plant defensins consists of a cysteine-stabilized motif (CSα/β) made up of an α-helix and a triple-stranded β-sheet
In addition to differential expression of AR protein primari
In addition to differential expression of AR protein primarily in surgical specimens, genetic alterations involving the AR gene have been documented in human Guanethidine Sulfate cancer. Loss of heterozygosity at the AR locus was identified in all 3 informative cases of muscle-invasive bladder tumo
To examine whether the interaction between mGlu
To examine whether the interaction between mGlu7 and α1-adrenergic receptors could be confirmed at a behavioural level, we performed the FST in mice. This test has value in predicting the antidepressant-like effect of drugs or environmental manipulations (Krishnan and Nestler, 2008, Krishnan and Nes
In addition we aimed to examine the possible role
In addition, we aimed to examine the possible role of adiponectin in modulating changes in IR. It was observed that there was a simultaneous decline in expression of IR and AdipoR1 proteins in the ovary of PCOS-mice as compared to the control ovary. Further, a strong correlation was found between ch